Monday, June 8, 2009


Congratulations people, grade 10 is over!

What did I learn from my TGJ201 course?
Many helpful skills and more!
From using the many options in Photoshop to Moviemaker....I found this course to be really helpful in designing and creating artwork.
In September, I was introduced to Photoshop. Even though I have heard of this software before, I haven't had the chance to try out different things and such...which was what the tutorials gave me a chance to do. I found the tutorials for both Photoshop and Illustrator to be very helpful because it gave clear directions as well as helping my learn my way through the many options in these programs. Moviemaker was a little tricky, but the final movie project gave me a chance to persue my creativity and acting skills. ;)
I found my favorite project to be vectorizing of my celebrity idol, since it was easy and the outcome looked really good. As I walked around our comm area during the art show, I found the Eccentrick Artist part to be extremely eye-catching, since it was so unique and the effect came out so well.

As well, I liked how this course encompasses material that acts as an outlet for our creatively. There were hardly any restrictions on projects which is probably why many students, including me found this course to be so fun. It is time consuming, yes, but if you want to learn more about how to use interesting software such as Photoshop, Illustrator & Moviemaker, I highly reccomend this course to you!

Blogs I've commented on:

Hil-Ching Hilda Wong- "Gaming Gone Wild":

Confessions of Priscila- "Eccen-trick!":

Rosemary K- "Cell Phones Matter!":

Moniqueangelica- "Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy":

AmandaMaryPhen- "Cell Phone Manners Matter":

Lalala :)- :Gaming Gone Wild":

Techology...IT'S ALL AROUND ME!

I've basically lived under a rock until I hit grade six.

My parents didn't feel the need to hook up the Internet for me until I was twelve and I've never heard of a discman since then either. Interestingly now, I own a cellphone, a mp3, USBs, television, well as other various gadgets that help me live my life easier. With owning these devices, I've also learned to operate these gadgets, like downloading music, surfing the net, saving files....etc. Overall, I love techology and I wouldn't know where I'd be without it.
For instance, recently, I've lost my USB. I was SOOOO aware of where it was that day and I frequently checked to see if it was with me. At the point where I realized I lost it, I was devestated.
Pictures of my grade eight graduation and all my work from grade nine to ten was on it and now...I'll never see it again. Techology has such a huge impact in my life that I've decided not to print out my picture files but to save them on USBs...leading to the lost of all my pictures and work. If I hadn't relied on USBs so much, I would at least still have copies of my pictures. Proving that techonology has its downfalls.
People are beinging to depend more and more on techology which makes us extremley dependent on this new trend.
Can our society live like this in the future? Only time will tell.

Gaming Gone WIIILD.

I wasn't allowed to get video games.
I was never interested in computer games.
I was never given a gameboy...
A PSP....
A DS...

I have never been interested in
"gaming" until my brother got a DS Lite last year from my parents. After that, I realized how addicting these games can be. Constantly struggling to achieve a better score can make a "gamer" sit on the couch for more than five hours a day! Amazingly, more and more of these games are being created to keep kids on couches alone instead of playing outside with friends and family. When my brother is playing on his DS Lite, it is hard for me to even talk to him for he cannot form proper sentenses to answer me with. Proving that as techology improves, these games gbecome more addicting and more children are playing video games to the point where they forget their mother's names.
I believe why these games are so extremely attention-grasping is because of the way they create a utopian world for all of us. Perfect bodies, fast cars...the list goes on and on. Naturally, everyone wants to be part of this perfect world so we get more immersed in these video games. Hand-held games have also been developed so kids, can even enjoy playing even when they're away from computer and television screens.
In the end, I feel that video games give children filled with the stress from school a good outlet to relieve the stress, but there should be limits to when they should stop playing. Perhaps parents should give their children time limits for playing games and have them interact with their family members more, video games wouldn't be such a large problem in society today.

Enough is enough when you'd rather ignore family memebers for Mario Cart.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


How was this year's Mary Ward art show?
It is hard to find enough words to describe how interesting, inspiring, crazy, exciting...

Oh, the word is ECCENTRICK. :)
Yes, our art show is eccentrick.
Artwork based on the theme of "circus" and "craziness", our artshow was hugely unique from all others. The grandest artshow in highschool history, was set to open in the basement of Mary Ward...

With numerous amounts of art created by MaryWard art students from the beginning of is truly a sight you wouldn't want to miss!

My favorite part of the art show?
I really liked the Eccentrick train, since it showed very interesting and crazy artwork in the form of traincarts by the Grade Ten art students. Presented on top of traintracks, this crazy train was so colourful and vibrant. I spent half-an-hour staring at the train.

Anyways, if you missed the art show this year, you better hope next years' art show would be as splendid as Eccentrick. It was a show you wouldn't have wanted to miss.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Excuse Me While I Answer My Phone...

Cellphones are become more and more common throughout our lives.
Students are constantly texting each other in class and we have grown accustomed to life with our cellular devices. I sometimes even feel lost without my cellphone when I've left mine at home.
I do admit to have used my cell at school, during class, to find my friends or to give them the latest piece of gossip, because they're so CONVENIENT. ;)

It's a mind-blowing fact at how society has grown so attached and accustomed to our portable phones.
I think teenagers have grown so accustomed to others and themselves using their cellphones around them that we no longer find it rude. Teenagers don't find that it's a 'big deal' compared to our parents, perhaps because they were less exposed to technology when they were younger. As we grow more accustomed to how people are using their cell phones around us, we become less aware of how rude it really is and pretty soon, we end up doing it ourselves.
I find there is an appropriate place and time to whip out our cell phones, for example, in emergencies and important situations. The surroundings and environment of where one uses their cellphone is the most important factor in cellphone etiquette.


  1. Always check if you're in an appropriate environment. [ie. Libraries and doctor's offices are not appropriate areas to chat away on cellphones.]

  2. Turn off your cellphone if you think you will get distracted.

  3. Do not talk too loud, resulting in disturbing the people around you.

  4. Make sure you're not ignoring anyone around you.

  5. Only use phone in case of emergency or if expecting important calls.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Campaign Trial.

In the video, the guys are seen adressing different issues in the the war in Iraq, declining stocks, loss of jobs and homes, and the hurricanes.
I found this campaign video very effective because it is funny as well as informative. I think using the "WASSUP" saying from 8 years ago was a good way of attracting attention from the people who were interested in that video before. I really like parodies, and this video reminded me of one.
In the last part of the video, Obama is telling us that he would CHANGE these issues in the US for the better. Since CHANGE has been the center of his campaign, this drilled the message to the viewers even more.
When Barack Obama became the president-elect, I think he broke down a lot of barriers.
He would become the first African-American president [ his mom is caucasian and his father is African] ...
As well as being one of the youngest.
Obama claimes to change the way George Bush has ruled the United States and to bring his people out of poverty.
All in all, I liked this video and I was glad that Obama came out on top in the end of the election.